Apply through the website
To place your musical works on our streaming platform - fill out the questionnaire and attach the audio files to the form.
Young talents of your country on the radio hub!
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Top performers of Radiohub
for 90 days
How to get to Radiohub
Apply through the website
To place your musical works on our streaming platform - fill out the questionnaire and attach the audio files to the form.
Download tracks for consideration
Radiohub reviews your audio files for profanity and copyright. Audio files must be downloaded in the following formats: mp3, wav. Images: (png, jpg).
Subscription payment
After the RadioHub team approves your audio recordings, we send the details to pay for the chosen subscription.
Stream your tracks in 24 hours
With the help of RadioHub, young bands and performers become popular on the Internet, local and international media.
Internet radio, which is an online platform for talented young bands and musicians who want to be heard by millions of listeners.
Інтернет радіо, яке є онлайн-платформою для талановитих молодих гуртів та музикантів, які хочуть щоб їх почули мільйони слухачів.
Our team includes specialists from various fields who help and enable a young group or performer to reach a new level in a short period of time.
У нашій команді працюють фахівці різного напряму, які допомагають та дають можливість молодій групі або виконавцю за короткий термін вийти на новий рівень.
Thanks to the mobile application, we make it as convenient as possible to listen to your musical works throughout the country and beyond. Download on App Store & Google Play
Завдяки мобільному застосунку робимо максимально зручним прослуховування ваших музичних творів по всій країні та за її межами. Завантажуй на App Store & Google Play
The main purpose of this resource is to expand the horizons of young performers, find their audience, promote their creativity,
contract with famous producers.
Основна мета даного ресурсу розширити горизонти молодих виконавців, знайти свою аудиторію, пропіарити свою творчість, укласти
контракт із відомими продюсерами.
256 bit
track record
Album cover
We do not accept covers bands
We check the tracks for censorship
Copyright your own music
Radio reaches a wide audience, allowing young bands to attract more listeners and expand their fan base.
Getting on the radio gives young bands and artists the opportunity to introduce their music to the professional community.
Increased chances of gigs: Young bands can increase their visibility, which increases the possibility of gigs.
Broadcasting on a radio station can generate interest from music producers, bloggers and other media platforms.
Success can significantly increase the self-esteem of young musicians and push them to further achievements.
On the Internet, we gather a huge audience of radio listeners who want to listen to new talented artists and find more than music for themselves.
Young groups submit their online applications through the contact form on the website for further opportunities to be heard by listeners on Internet radio. Our team contacts the musicians, sends certain requirements that the tracks must meet.
After processing the information, we conclude a contract for the promotion and distribution of the artist's copyright in our Internet broadcasting. The process itself takes a minimum of time, after this process radioHub outputs the artists' tracks to the Internet broadcast.
With the help of RadioHub, young bands become popular on the Internet, local and international media, they are promoted and given the opportunity to find their niche in show business.
Recently, I had the opportunity to discover an online radio station where I was able to promote my music. I want to share my positive impressions about this platform. Now I began to be invited to various musical events and restaurants more often.
What was particularly impressive for us was the feeling that we were interacting with our audience through this platform. We could hear their thoughts, wishes and impressions about our music, which gave us even more motivation to continue creating.
From the moment we first heard our songs playing on this radio, we were pleasantly surprised. It gave us confidence in our creative potential and showed that our music finds its audience.